
Quality is our demand
Whatever your requirements are – you can count on our expertise.
We will also support you in the qualification procedures and the
system validation for compliance with specific standards and guidelines
in your business.

The timely repair and maintenance of your laboratory equipment guarantees you the accuracy of the results and helps to maintain the durability and consistent performance of the device. Please contact us directly or fill out our service form and send it to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Service Hotline

+49 3641  77 7407+49 3641  77


For adherence to the German right (dh §71 StrlSchV, § 17 GefStoffV and § 19 ChemG) and to the avoidance of exposition opposite dangerous materials the declaration of decontamination before forwarding is to be attached to the product.
Please attach the declaration outside the packing. Instruments without this declaration attached will be returned to sender.
Download Equipment Decontamination Declaration:

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