PlasmaQuant 9100

PlasmaQuant 9100 ICP-OES
Reveal the Details that Matter
Maximum reliability
- Unique resolving power with high-resolution optics
- Interference-free trace element analysis
- Selection of emission lines without compromises
- Fast measurement readiness
Convenient functionality
- Less torch handling and increased instrument up-time
- Broad applicability and superior analytical performance
- Cost-efficient operation
- Torch mounting process with no need for alignment
Flexible observation
- Optimized plasma observation modes without compromises
- Argon-neutral counter gas for unique sensitivity
- Detection from sub-ppb to percentage range in one run
- Minimal need for sample preparation
Increased productivity
- Outstanding plasma robustness for analyzing any sample matrix
- Superior accuracy and precision by running undiluted sample
- Maximum application flexibility
- Lowest matrix-specific detection limits
Secrets revealed with high resolution
Analysis of the elemental composition of metals, minerals, chemicals and petrochemicals suffers from many spectral interferences due to their line-rich emission spectra. High spectral resolution separates even close line pairs and reveals most spectral details. This provides access to previously interfered lines with accurate baseline correction and reliable peak integration. Fluctuation in signal peaks due to varying matrix compositions do not significantly influence trace element detection. This opens up new opportunities for specification analysis and quality control of challenging samples.
Device Versions
PlasmaQuant 9100
Cost-effective analysis without compromise
With high-performance features, it allows for more matrix tolerance, a wide working range and high measurement sensitivity. It provides high-quality results in contract analysis, reliability in quality control and the highest standards in regulated industries. Whether aiming for on-off measurements, method flexibility in shift-operation or continuous aspiration of challenging samples, the PlasmaQuant 9100 is your instrument of choice.
PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite
Secrets revealed with high resolution
High spectral resolution: the extra that makes the difference in ICP-OES and unvocvers spectral details like no other instrument. Removing common spectral interferences minimizes compromises in line selection and allows the use of highly sensitive emission lines for every application. In combination with its matrix tolerance and superior sensitivity, this enables previously unconceived analytical potential. The PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite is the number one choice for spectral resolution, sensitivity and the ideal solution for your most delicate analytical routines.
Технические характеристики
Программное обеспечение
Thanks to a clear-cut, multilingual user interface, you can quickly generate methods geared to each matrix by selecting the elements to be determined and the preferred emission lines. All pre-installed method parameters are loaded automatically and can be easily modified.
The modular design of the ASpect PQ software offers you the flexibility to work with preset routine methods or to develop your own individual methods.
- Powerful optimization, evaluation, and post-calculation routines
- Compliant with 21 CFR Part11 and FDA module with user
- management Innovative routines for baseline connection (ABC), interference correction (CSI), etc.
- LIMS connection
A range of accessories and upgrade options provide a high level of application flexibility, easy sample handling, and high throughput.
- Customized sample introduction kits – Standard, Salt, Organic, HF
- ASPQ 3300 / Cetac ASX-560 - Autosampler for high throughput routine analysis
- Internal Standards Kit - for the online addition of internal standards
- Hydride systems
- IsoMist – tempered spray chamber for the analysis of volatile organic substances
- Argon humidifier – for the trouble-free analysis of samples with a high salt content
Application examples for
- Analysis of surface water, fresh water, sea water, waste water
- Analysis of soil
Food & Agriculture
- Analysis of toxic metals and micro minerals in food, feed and agricultural products
- Quality control of fertilizers´
Chemicals & Materials
- Quality and purity control of base chemicals (salts, acids, caustics, metal oxides, polymers, etc.)
- Purity control of organic solvents
- Composition analysis of materials (ceramics, semiconductors, building materials, advanced chemical compounds)
- Analysis of process media (process water) and feedstock inspection
Oil & Gas
- Specification and composition analysis of petrochemicals like naphtha, gasoline, diesel, fuels etc.
- Feedstock inspection for elements that disrupt the refining process
- Specification analysis and metal analysis in oils
Pharma & Life Science
- Determination of elemental impurities according to USP chapters <232> and <233> as well as ICH Q3D guidelines
- Determination of salt contents in infusion solutions
Geology, Mining & Metals
- Quality control of high-purity metals, metal oxides, metal alloys
- Composition and specification analysis of metal alloys and steel
- Analysis of minerals and ores
- Analysis of refractory metals and rare-earth elements
- Process control by analysis of intermediates and processing chemicals (e.g. etching/plating solutions)
- Brochure PlasmaQuant 9100 series (Edition 12/2020 | en) .pdf | 377.31 kB
The PlasmaQuant 9100 series offers customized systems for the synchronous analysis of trace elements and major constituents in routine analysis, process monitoring and regulation compliance.
- Technical Data PlasmaQuant 9100 Series (English) .pdf | 315.60 kB
- Calibration Standard Offering (EN) .pdf | 488.57 kB
Benefit from ready-to-use calibration and validation solutions, customized for Analytik Jena’s TOC, AAS, and ICP analyzers.
PlasmaQuant 9100 Series – Reveal the Details that Matter
Discover the new PlasmaQuant 9100 series by Analytik Jena. These ICP-OES devices offer superior analytical performance, application flexibility, robustness, and reliability – even for the most challenging sample matrices and applications.